是一家独立的软件咨询厂商,从2003年开始就专注于模型驱动开发领域 ,他们也擅长于Eclipse建模、嵌入式系统和手机应用上的开发。是一个懂中文的朋友,他是itemis的项目经理和业务开发经理,并致力于推广Eclipse和开源工具来支持模型驱动开发的使用,他前几天又给我推荐了的一些资料,我把这些资料的一些内容汇集了一下。对于我来说,这些内容都是全新的,所以只能大概的了解,至少从整理上知道这些东西是干嘛的,要想真正用起来还需要多些时日,如果你对Eclipse下的模型驱动开发感兴趣,那么不妨看看,也非常欢迎与我交流,一起学习!
The Eclipse Modeling Platform
Models as First Class Citizens in the Enterprise
Modeling of Banking Applications with Xtext and GMF
Xtext - When Modeling meets Productivity
Introduction to the Eclipse Modeling Framework
Successful Use of MDSD in the Energy Industry
The CDO Model Repository
Graphical Modeling with Graphiti
- Welcome by UBS - Christian Meier (UBS AG):
- Eclipse Modeling Platform for Enterprise Modeling - Dr. Martin Mandischer (itemis), Dr. Stephan Eberle (geensys):
- User Story: Models as First Class Citizens in the Enterprise - Robert Blust (UBS AG):
- Eclipse Modeling Framework for Data Modeling - Ed Merks (itemis & EMF Project Lead:
- Textual Modeling with Xtext - Sven Efftinge (itemis & TMF/Xtext Project Lead):
- Graphical Modeling with Graphiti - Michael Wenz (SAP):
- User Story: The Usage of Models in an Embedded Automotive IDE - Lars Geyer-Blaumeiser (Robert Bosch:
- Modeling Repository with CDO - Eike Stepper (CDO Project Lead): ()
- User Story: Successful Use of MDSD in the Energy Industry (German) - Norbert Moegerle (RWE IT GmbH):
- User Story: Nord/LB - Modeling of Banking Applications with Xtext and GMF - Holger Schill (itemis):
本文转自 陈本峰 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/zhoujg/517013,如需转载请自行联系原作者